


The power of crystal bowls to enhance our well-being has been known for thousands of years. Quartz crystal bowls are used for their therapeutic and awakening qualities and virtues. Quartz is one form of crystalline silica.

This mineral is thousands of years old.
– It is semi-conductive and memorable.
– It’s an amplifier, and its energy is of the highest purity and vibratory level. The particular sound and vibration of quartz crystal bowls is a multidirectional sound that is as powerful as it is subtle, literally enveloping the body, increasing the vibratory rate and promoting “inner travel”.

The use of crystal bowls helps to clarify thoughts and calm emotions. The mind then recovers a space of freedom, as we instantly enter a space-time different from our waking state.

This change in state of consciousness is a facilitator for integrating all the vibratory and energetic changes of today. It also facilitates the triggering of self-healing processes.

Each sound corresponds to a point on the body, a chakra and therefore an organ.
The multidirectional sounds of these quartz bowls induce an Alpha electrical cycle in just a few minutes, a rhythm that oscillates between 7 and 13 cycles/second. At this stage, the two cerebral hemispheres are working together in harmony. As a result, these sounds quickly bring about deep physical, emotional and mental relaxation. This precious letting-go helps relieve physical pain, relax muscle mass and awaken multiple dimensions of being. The sound – or vibration – emanating from a crystal singing bowl instantly generates a transformative wave. All experiences with crystal bowls corroborate this. It’s a pure energy that dissolves our limiting emotions, such as fears. It facilitates access to our inner calm, to the joy of being and gives us renewed vitality! Crystalline energy is a true healing energy. It transforms and liberates.

And its power is inherent in the speed with which our inner state is permanently altered.

We have entered the quartz age, just as the Tibetan bowl was born in the Bronze Age… The industrial revolution was based on coal, the commercial revolution on oil. The technological revolution began with the use of quartz. It is therefore a major mineral in our contemporary civilizations.
Quartz is an inorganic substance composed of oxygen and silicon. So he’s not part of the Carbone line! Quartz is semi-conductive and memorial. It vibrates at frequencies ranging from tens of kilohertz to tens of megahertz. It is also used as a frequency standard in many electronics applications.

We are in resonance with quartz because we possess it. A 70kg human has around 8g of silicon in his body. We find them in the aorta, skin, thymus and bones. Silicon also helps the immune system function. It is also closely associated with DNA. Silicon is also believed to act on the epiphysis or pineal gland. Physiologically, this gland secretes melatonin. It therefore plays a central role in regulating biological sleep/wake and seasonal rhythms. the pineal gland has a membrane that captures images, like that of the retina. What’s more, it’s the most magnetic part of the human body and is filled with water, an excellent conductor of sound. The vibratory resonance of the crystal bowls has a far-reaching impact on living beings.

The singing bowl’s vibratory level is very high, thanks to the natural quartz of which it is composed. The power of crystal bowls is immense. Its frequencies activate our crystalline body, one of our bodies of light, the crucible of our crystalline identity. Their resonance is multidimensional. The energetic movement of crystal bowls is spiral, like DNA, and unfolds in all directions. They refocus, align and expand all at once.

Crystal bowls have an impact on the physical and neurophysiological levels in particular, as well as on the mental, emotional, psychic and spiritual levels. The power of the crystal bowl is astonishing because it’s instantaneous! And as vibratory beings by nature, we spontaneously know how to interact with the language of crystal bowls. Our thoughts become clearer, our emotions calmer, and our minds regain a sense of freedom as we instantly enter a space-time different from our waking state. This change in state of consciousness is a facilitator for integrating all the vibratory and energetic changes of today. It also facilitates the triggering of self-healing processes.