


Certification training
to become a tuning fork practitioner
with hardware

The Therapeutic Tuning Fork Practitioner training course will enable you to acquire a complete new treatment protocol to be used either as a stand-alone treatment or as a complement to other treatments, using the seven therapeutic tuning forks corresponding to the seven chakras.

Thanks to a precise protocol that combines traditional acupuncture points and muscular tension points, it is possible to harmonize the body using therapeutic tuning forks, thus promoting optimal emotional and physical balance. Alternating stimulation in a precise sequence instantly alters the body’s biochemistry, soothes the nervous system, strengthens muscle tone and harmonizes every organ.

Within seconds, the body enters a deep state of relaxation, allowing the healing frequencies of the tuning forks to promote regeneration and activate its self-healing powers.

You’ll receive all the basic knowledge you need to learn how to handle tuning forks correctly, thanks to practical exercises and illustrated course materials. You’ll also learn a shorter protocol for integrating tuning forks into other types of treatment.

Course of the training day :


– A little theory (history and operation of tuning forks, benefits, weighted and unweighted tuning forks, the cosmic octave & Hans Cousto, chakras, PBA points, acupuncture points and meridians).
– Learning to handle tuning forks
– Learn the acupuncture points used in treatment by searching for them on yourself

Lunch break


– Explanation of treatment protocol.
– Care exchange (each student provides and receives care).
– Debriefing session.

brown wooden spoon on brown wooden bowl
brown wooden spoon on brown wooden bowl

This treatment uses 7 therapeutic tuning forks corresponding to the 7 chakras:

1st pitch
ROOT / Muladhara / BASE- 194.18 Hz

2nd pitch
SACRAL / Svadisthana – 210.42 Hz

3rd tuning fork
SOLAR PLEXUS / Manipura – 126.22 Hz

4th tuning fork
HEART / Anahata – 136.10 Hz

5th tuning fork
GORGE / Vishuddha – 141.27 Hz

6th tuning fork
THIRD EYE / Ajna – 221.23 Hz

7th tuning fork
CROWN/ Sahasrara – 172.06 Hz

You’ll also learn how to use tuning forks personally.

This treatment uses 7 therapeutic tuning forks corresponding to the 7 chakras:

1st pitch
ROOT / Muladhara / BASE- 194.18 Hz

2nd pitch
SACRAL / Svadisthana – 210.42 Hz

3rd tuning fork
SOLAR PLEXUS / Manipura – 126.22 Hz

4th tuning fork
HEART / Anahata – 136.10 Hz

5th tuning fork
GORGE / Vishuddha – 141.27 Hz

6th tuning fork
THIRD EYE / Ajna – 221.23 Hz

7th tuning fork
CROWN/ Sahasrara – 172.06 Hz

You’ll also learn how to use tuning forks personally.

The equipment

All the tuning forks included in the training are high-quality therapeutic tuning forks. These tools were developed by Swiss mathematician and musicologist Hans Cousto.

Special price of CHF 670.-
(with certificate from the International School of Sonotherapy)

This price includes:
– 7 therapeutic tuning forks 7 chakras (photo
– 1 storage case
– 1 bound and illustrated course guide
– 1 certificate

All materials are 100% certified therapeutic.

Practical information

Training duration: 1 day
Opening hours: 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. (except for Thursday, October 12, from 12 p.m. to 7 p.m.)
Prerequisites: none
Language : French

Terms of payment :
– Deposit of chf 300 upon registration
– Balance on day of training (chf 370.-)

Materials and certificates will be issued on the day of the course.
4 people maximum per course.

Chemin du Curé-Desclouds 2
1226 Thônex

Parking, buses and access:
Public pay parking lot 800m away or blue zone in front of the school
Bus 5 and 25, Thônex bus stop, Vallard (2min walk)
Access: 2 minutes from freeway exit (A40) Thônex-Vallard

Address Jura :
Route de Bellelay 17
2714 Les Genevez (JU)

Registration & dates
